Real Estate

Real Estate Summer Real Estate Buying and selling real estate in the summer has its pros and cons. It’s always a good idea to have a knowledgeable real estate agent to guide you through the process. Here are pros and cons of buying and selling real estate during summer: Pros of Summer Real Estate: More Inventory: Many homeowners list their […]
Real Estate Real Estate in December   Real estate in December can be influenced by various factors, and the market conditions can vary depending on your location and the specific circumstances of the year. Here are some general observations and considerations for real estate in December:     Seasonal Trends: In many regions, December is considered part of the winter season. […]
Real Estate Reasons a House Falls Out of Contract   When you make or accept an offer on a home, it’s easy to assume the deal is near complete once the offer is accepted. However, many variables can cause the house to fallout of contract before making it to the closing table. To help avoid this situation in the housing market, it’s helpful to […]
Real Estate The Consumer’s Guide to Hiring an Amazing Real Estate Agent When you’re buying or selling a home, it’s crucial to work with a qualified real estate agent. Not just a professional, but an amazing agent and a market expert. So how do you ensure you’re hiring an amazing real estate agent? There are currently more than two million real estate professionals in North America.1,2 With […]
Real Estate Real Estate Seasonality Real Estate Seasonality Thinking about buying and/or selling a home during the holidays? Check out my latest article for some helpful tips on real estate seasonality! The Pros and Cons of Fall and Winter Real Estate There are pros and cons that come with buying or selling in the  holiday season. The primary advantage of […]
Real Estate Green is Gold When Marketing to Millennials Green is Gold When Marketing to Millennials You already know that the Millennial generation is a force in the housing market. According to a Bankrate survey, Millennials (33%) have the strongest preference for real estate investing with money they won’t need for the next decade or more ( They’re bullish about buying homes, says a Green […]
Real Estate 5 Steps to Finding Your Next Home 5 Steps to Finding Your Next Home Whether you’re a first-time buyer or a seasoned homeowner, shopping for a new home can feel daunting. In fact, 56% of buyers said that “finding the right property” was the most difficult step in the home buying process.1 Buying a home is a significant commitment of both time […]
Real Estate Where The Real Estate Market Is Really Headed! 5 Factors That Reveal Where The Real Estate Market Is Really Headed It’s the old supply-and-demand predicament: Home sales in the U.S. continue at a torrid pace, but the availability of listings remains limited. Buoyed by historically low mortgage rates, buyers keep shopping for homes, reducing the available inventory and sparking a rise in home […]
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